• Bubble Football

    Bubble Football

  • Bubble Football

    Bubble Football

  • Bubble Football

    Bubble Football

  • Bubble Football

    Bubble Football

  • Bubble Football

    Bubble Football

  • Bubble Football

    Bubble Football

  • Bubble Football

    Bubble Football

  • Bubble Football

    Bubble Football

  • Bubble Football

    Bubble Football

  • Bubble Football

    Bubble Football

  • Bubble Football

    Bubble Football

Bubble Football (or soccer if you’re from America) has spread to Serbia. As seen in the clip it is all about smashing into each other, bouncing around and rolling across the grass in inflatable orb like balls. Forget faking an injury while you’re ensconced in the balls, is anyone keeping score? You’ll be laughing too hard to keep tally. As much fun as it is watching guys chase a football, it is hilarious watching them bounce around upside down with their legs in the air. Is anyone keeping score? You’ll be laughing too hard to keep tally.

It’s a game that is safe, entertaining to watch, and hilariously fun to play. What on God’s green Earth is bubble football, you ask? The most action-packed, entertaining, delightful to watch, safest version of football the world has ever seen! Take one part football, one part pillow fight, one part slapstick comedy, and mix well, and what you get looks a little bit like this:

So, clearly just a little bit different than the football we have come to know and appreciate. If by “a little bit different” you mean zany, unpredictable, whacky, hilarious, farcical, and, in fact, an entire thesaurus full of words that mean fun and/or adventure.

Bubble Football is played on astro turf with the usual 5 a side dimensions in one of Belgrade’s premier indoor sports facilities it is a short 10 minute drive from the city Centre, You will be provided with a referee, and two goals. Sometimes time is kept according to regulations, however games are often shortened by design, by exhaustion, or by the inability of people convulsed with laughter to run after the ball anymore.

Shower and restaurant facilities available.

Duration: 1 Hour

Minimum of 8 people.


Highly recommended
Best bachelor party ever

Users testimonials

  • Belgrade is a untouched gem of a city, we had an absolutely incredible bachelor party, Paul from Belgrade Stag Weekends did everything he said he would, plus loads more, cannot praise them enough, thank you…………brilliant!!!

    Chris Surrey
  • Wanted to travel somewhere where my money would last, drinks would flow and party never ends! I found Belgrade, and the hottest spots were expertly led by Paul and Ana! I definitively recommend and look forward to visiting again! Cheers!

  • We had a great time, really top stag party venue, great people, and really friendly, amazing women at every turn, great clubbing and great organization from BSW, loved the big gun shooting, everything was A1. Would recommend to anyone who is looking for a bit more of an upmarket stag party. All the fun, none of the hassle and not another stag do in sight.

    Bertie Sussex
Things to do in Belgrade

Activities may be booked separately, subject to availability. If you wish to book activities only please contact phone: +381 (0) 652627285 or e-mail: party@belgradestagweekends.com